Our Programs

Monthly Postpartum Counseling
Facilitated by Nicole Prah-Ennin, MSW LCSWA
If you are a mother struggling with postpartum depression, you are not alone. Nicole is here to help you feel better. She understands wholeheartdly the challenges that women face when experiencing infertility, pregnancy, trauma, and postpartum depression. Women often feel stressed out by the transition to parenthood, adjusting to new roles, relationship changes, caring for a baby + parenting young children. She has dedicated her career to helping families thrive, grow, and heal and we will work together to help you feel like yourself again.
Monthly Financial Literacy Workshops
Facilitated by Janae Williams,
New York Life
Janae is our financial advisor for Mint to Be of the Carolinas. She is committed to helping mothers understand their budget, create a budget, and customize them a plan for financial freedom. Our “Mint to Be Financially Free, is a course that takes you on a journey that will allow you to have a better understanding of your finances. The program is designed to help moms manage their money better and not let fear of their current situation be a distraction.